Our teams understand the challenges facing publishers today. When you entrust your media porfolio to us, we, at International Media Experts, take this mission very seriously.  We are aware of the responsibility this represents and the issues at stake.


Our aim is:

  • To increase the authority of your brand among European advertisers through PR and meetings with the right decision-makers 

  • To guarantee the best possible commercialisation of your media portfolio

  • To grow your advertising revenue and market share


The keys to the success of our partnership is the respect and the trust we establish between us and the solutions we provide.

  • Market Analysis

In order to allow publishers to measure their market potential, we make sure that we provide them with an updated and regular market analysis. Together we establish a list of prospects.

  • Branding

We ensure that our publishers and their portfolio are marketed in the right way with the aim of increasing revenues. Our approach guarantees your media brand the visibility and the promotion it needs to win business (through newsletters, mailings, sending magazines, presentations, PR, events…)

  • Sales

We reward the trust that our publish have in us with the aim to increase to increase advertising revenues from the French market. We therefore have a pro-active and dynamic approach to the market in order to guarantee an increase in sales and market share, in a highly competitive world.

  • Campaign Follow-up

We have a dedicated team to ensure that all our campaigns are followed up once the sales has been completed through our dedicated back-office team.

  • Financial Guarantee

We guarantee that all campaigns are paid without any delay with no risk to our publishers.